Friday, January 5, 2018

Creating a Hyperlink in a PowerPoint Presentation

What is a hyperlink?

A hyperlink is a word, phrase or image that you can click on to jump to a new document or a new section of the current document. It can commonly be noticed on the worldwide web, but in this discussion, I will present the instructions on how to use it in a powerpoint presentation.

How to create a hyperlink in a powerpoint presentation?

1. Create the details of your presentation, including the background and animation.

2. Go to Slideshow Ribbon and click the Custom Slideshow on the command toolbar. A dialogue box will appear. Click the New button that appears in the upper right part of the dialogue box.

3. Another dialogue box will appear. Click the first item in the left, name the slideshow then click the add and ok button.

4. Click New and do the procedure 3 for the next remaining items on the dialogue box. Click the close button when done.

5. Click the Set Up SlideShow at the command toolbar. A dialogue box will appear. On the advanced slide option click "manually" and on the show slide click "from" and insert the number of slides, then click ok.

6. Highlight the first item on the menu, go to Insert ribbon and click Hyperlink on the command toolbar.

7. A dialogue box will appear. Click the link to Place in this document. The text to display represents the item on the menu, click its link to the place on the document.

8. A slide preview will appear on the right. Click ok when done.

9. Do the procedure 6 to 8 for the remaining items on the menu.

10. When all the items on the menu appear as an underlined text, that means it is already linked on the slides of the presentation. Lastly, insert an Action button on the linked slide of the presentation.

11. A dialogue box will appear. Click "hyperlink to", custom show, then "menu". Click ok when done. Copy the action button on the next remaining slides.

12. The hyperlink is now ready! click the Slide Show and check you're work. The item on the menu is linked with its content on the slides. When you have clicked the slide with the content, the "end of slideshow" will appear. Thus, when you have clicked the action button located on the content slides, it will direct you to the menu.


Creating a hyperlink on your powerpoint presentation will have a good organization of the content, and it is also a means of utilizing your presentation.  

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Creating a Hyperlink in a PowerPoint Presentation

What is a hyperlink? A hyperlink is a word, phrase or image that you can click on to jump to a new document or a new section of the curr...